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Body Mind Complex
Bloated From Water Retention: Abhyanga Helps!

Did you know there is a quick way to check if your body is bloated up due to water retention? Check your weight in the morning and in the evening. If the two vary, it is a clear symptom of water retention problem that can lead to often painful swelling in legs, palms, face or

August, 21 2020
7 Reasons Men Need Abhyanga In Their Lives

Let’s say you are into sports or have an active lifestyle and you are prone to injuries. How would you like to have a natural non-invasive solution that helps you cushion the damage from these incessant injuries? What if we told you your answer to better metabolism, superior blood circulation, up and running lymphatic and

January, 17 2020
Body Mind Complex
Everything You Need To Know About Abhyanga

Abhyanga is basically the art of self-massage, an extremely popular Ayurveda based therapy that incorporates warm, aromatic oils, rhythmically massaged into your body, which loosen toxins, relax the nervous system, and provide rest, nourishment, and rejuvenation. It improves blood circulation, tones and moisturizes skin, works up the lymph system, and calms the mind and nervous

January, 08 2020
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
6 Reasons You Need Abhyanga This Winter

As the winter sets in, it brings along with it winter dryness, itchy and rough skin, and stiff muscles and joints. Winter, according to Ayurveda, is the time dominated by Pitta Prakopakala that is a time when the Pitta dosha or the fire element in the nature is vitiated. When not managed properly, the imbalances can lead to digestive

November, 10 2018
5 Powerful Ways You Can Deal With Election Stress Disorder

You know stressing over an election result isn’t going to greatly benefit your body and mind, but here you are nervously refreshing your feed every few minutes. A study carried out last year showed, 68% of participants reported that an election outcome is so stressful that it affects their physical and mental health. But it

November, 03 2020
Body Mind Complex
5 Ayurvedic Tips To Deal With Brain Fog

Brain fog can be an underlying symptom for many conditions. They can include multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, sleep disorders, certain heart conditions, pregnancy, or specific lifestyle triggers like stress, anxiety and poor work-life balance. Brain fog can show up in different ways. You may experience lack of clear thinking, slower cognitive process, forgetfulness,

September, 16 2020
Body Mind Complex
The Cortisol Problem: Reduce This Stress Hormone Naturally In 5 Ways

Cortisol is called the stress hormone. Our body was originally meant to release a hormone called cortisol in response to dangerous stimuli and to prepare our body as part of our fight or flight response. When used for that specific goal, it serves a great purpose. But the release of cortisol, in response to stress,

September, 01 2020
4 Things That Eyebags Are Trying To Tell You

Overworked, stressed, and under-rested? Or haven’t been hydrating enough? Your puffy eyes and dark circles sort of giving it away. The puffy eyes can also be a result of really unfavorable eating practices like having too much sugar, caffeine, fast food, or skipping meals altogether. In this article, we decode what these eyebags are trying

August, 06 2020
Ayurveda & Nutrition
8 Ayurvedic Remedies To Treat IBS

Believe it or not, but 35 million people in the US suffer from symptoms of IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. The typical symptoms include constipation with intermittent episodes of diarrhea, bloating indigestion or flatulence, all of which can be greatly discomforting if not very serious in nature. According to the ancient healing science of Ayurveda,

July, 24 2020
Ayurveda & Nutrition
Did You Know You Could Have Fatty Liver Even If You Are Lean? 7 Ayurvedic Ways To Manage Fatty Liver

Did you know that even people with a lean physique can get a fatty liver? And did you know liver regulates levels of ammonia and plasma glucose that affects your brain function directly? Roughly 80-100 million Americans have fatty liver disease, and most of them do not even know it. The disease can impair absorption

April, 06 2020
Ayurveda & Nutrition
Coronavirus: 3 Ways The Stress From Staying Home Affects Your Skin

The world is in a lock down, well almost. Work from home as well as work for home is keeping us on our toes and social distancing has made sure we get zero parlor time. We are left to our own devices as far as skin care is concerned. You may think, staying at home

March, 30 2020
Body Mind Complex
Anxious Times: 5 Calming Body Oils That Helped Me Get Through It

As the pandemic rages across the world, a lot of us are feeling lost, angry, anxious, and uncertain about the unprecedented situation at hand. World Health Organization has acknowledged, more people feel stressed and anxious, have disturbed sleep, lack focus, and are overwhelmed about possible transmission from the spread of coronavirus, among other indicators. Can

March, 25 2020