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Tag: natural remedies for hair

Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
5 Rare Herbs For The Perfect Hair Luster

You may have put enough harmful chemicals in your hair to find hair growth, luster and noticeable volume and may have ended up causing more damage to your hair. We asked our Ayurveda experts about the top 5 medicinal herbs that must be part of your hair oiling routine to undo the damage and give

March, 06 2019
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
5 Vegan Ways To Get Smoother Hair

Let me guess. You are on your way to work and chance upon the smooth, lush thick locks of this woman sitting next to you on the subway and wonder how she got it done. Here you are, tired of having tried every trick in the book, every chemical-laden hair treatment to deal with frizzy

February, 22 2019
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
10 Ways To Repair Scalp Naturally With Ayurveda

According to the ancient healing system of Ayurveda, problems of the scalp arise from an imbalance in Kapha and Vata, two of the three Ayurvedic humors or Doshas in Sanskrit. While Kapha brings the quality of softness, nourishment, fluidity and stickiness, Vata is more about qualities like roughness, dryness, air and movement. When these doshas

January, 07 2019