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Tag: pitta imbalance

Ayurveda & Nutrition
7 Home Remedies For Indigestion

Indigestion can singularly ruin your day at work or steal from you a good night’s sleep, apart from draining your energy. While an occasional heavy meal or food poisoning can be culprits behind indigestion, there are other factors, according to Ayurveda, that can cause a persistent problem of indigestion. We share remedies that use ingredients

May, 22 2019
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
5 Tips: Here’s Your Complete Guide To Post-Thanksgiving Detox

Come Thanksgiving and all the diet plans go for a toss, as you sit around the table with family and friends to gorge on all the delicious and painstakingly cooked food on the table, granted the meals far exceed your daily calorie intake. But you can break a few rules. It’s Thanksgiving after all! Here

November, 16 2018