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Tag: sleep

How to sleep well? Off gadgets before sleep, and 4 other night rituals

 About a third of Americans are not getting enough sleep, going by CDC data, and this is increasing cardiovascular and obesity-related risks among the population.  A European Heart Journal study, based on data from 21 countries, found that those who slept less than 6 hours had 10% higher risk of death by stroke or heart

October, 01 2020
Body Mind Complex
5 Ayurvedic Tips To Deal With Brain Fog

Brain fog can be an underlying symptom for many conditions. They can include multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, sleep disorders, certain heart conditions, pregnancy, or specific lifestyle triggers like stress, anxiety and poor work-life balance. Brain fog can show up in different ways. You may experience lack of clear thinking, slower cognitive process, forgetfulness,

September, 16 2020
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
Six Ayurveda Remedies For Perfect Sleep

Work has been keeping you anxious, tensed, and away from a deep restful sleep and it has started showing up on your face and eyes, as your days are spent in a daze. When you do not give your body the right amount of sleep, it affects your productivity, prana levels (life force) and overall

November, 09 2017