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Tag: pitta skin

Body Mind Complex
4 Things You Should Know About Managing Sensitive and Warm Skin

Some of us are blessed with an unusual skin type-too oily, yet sensitive and dehydrated. It can be difficult to manage a skin type like that without some understanding of Ayurveda and Doshic constitution that defines each individual’s mental and physical makeup including the type of skin. If your skin rallies between being too oily

May, 02 2019
Dry Or Sensitive Skin?10 Tips To Pick The Right Cleanser For Your Face

An important ritual in our day happens to be washing the face, first thing in the morning, sometime in the afternoon, after coming back from work and before retiring to bed. Our skin begs to be pampered. Quite a lot of us wonder what is an ideal facial cleanser for dry skin or oily skin

August, 10 2018