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Tag: calm mind

Body Mind Complex, Yoga and Meditation
Yoga For Gamers: 4 Important Wellness Tips To Ease The Aches And Stiffness

You have been PUBGing your way through the weekend. The morning next, you wake up with a backache, heavy head and fatigue. While some sections make a case for it by saying, it builds analytical skills, improves strategic thinking etc, and gamification has been used as treatments in fields like physiotherapy and occupational therapy too,

November, 14 2018
5 Simple Techniques To Get Rid Of ‘Undesirable’ Thoughts

The pleasant or the positive thoughts do not bother us as much as the negative thoughts or the thoughts we consider ‘undesirable’. They could be repetitive anxious thoughts or thoughts of worry, doubt or negativity. So what can you do get rid of them? Start with making friends with negative thoughts “If you keep resisting

July, 17 2018