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Tag: Guru

3 Effortless Ways To Drop Your Guilt

Do you dwell in guilt and suffer in it? In this latest post, we share an absolutely insightful commentary by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of The International Association For Human Values, a revered global spiritual Master and a celebrated voice for peace and diversity. The commentary unlocks the delicate skill of dropping our

April, 27 2018
Yoga and Meditation
4 Myths about Yoga

As a yoga practitioner and instructor, I run into these commonplace Yoga myths. Myth:  Yoga is all about some physical postures requiring super flexible body which can turn into pretzel… Fact:  Today most of the world associates Yoga with some yoga postures and sees it as some fitness regime. But Yoga is way of life. It is the study of life,

August, 31 2016