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Come winter, our over all immunity takes a hit. Our body becomes prone to viral and bacterial attacks! So during these winter months, especially the time between Mid January to Mid March is called Shishir Ritu in the ancient healing sciences of  Ayurveda, it is important to monitor what goes into our mouth and what we apply on our skin.

1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, grapefruit, and kiwi, popular sources of Vitamin C help support your immune system.

A medium orange provides up to 116 percent of your daily vitamin C requirement. The fruit is also rich in flavonoids, a class of antioxidants that reduces the risk of heart disease. It also has potassium, a key in regulating blood pressure.


2. Desi Ghee or clarified butter

Ghee helps the body absorb and use fat soluble vitamins A,D,E and K. It improves digestion and eyesight, keeps muscles healthy and detoxes the body. Omega 3 fatty acid present in Ghee helps fight dry skin. Ghee hydrates your skin and makes it soft and supple. Make sure, you only buy pure and unadulterated clarified butter certified for its purity like Sri Sri Ayurveda .

3. Hot Water 

Water repairs Kapha dosha imbalances.Water consumption early in the morning kick starts your digestion.Water has the ability to flush out toxins from the body and this detox effect helps with problems like acne and obesity. So if you are suffering from obesity then drinking warm water will do wonders for you.

4. Fermented foods

Fermentation supports microbial immunity in the stomach during the winter.  Fermented foods also warm the body. You can have cheese, yogurt, and sauerkraut.


❏     Oil Massage

Oil is widely recommended in the ancient healing science of Ayurveda. Massage helps the oil penetrate the skin, presses into tissues and releases toxins like lactic acid, chemicals and harmful oils from the body. Sesame oil is excellent for those aged, or people with Vata afflictions and this particular season of windy cold days.

Based on your Dosha type, among purely herbal and chemical free moisturizers that give you the dreamy supple and moist winter skin, you could own the Hydrating Body Silk(For Pitta), or Balancing Body Silk (For Kapha)  or moisturizing treatment oils that give the much needed nutrition to your skin and well deserved relaxation to your body, mind and soul.

❏     Sunbath

Sunbath is an excellent source of Vitamin D while it also replenishes our melanin the Shishir Ritu (16 January- 15 March).

❏     Exercise and Yoga

Physical exercise is a must.Practice inverted poses that improves circulation of lymph. A set of 3 of Sun-Salutation can do wonders for you.

This is also a good time to get your pulse examined for Dosha imbalances through a pulse diagnosis expert.  To know more about pulse diagnosis, read hereWhat’s a Dosha? Vata (air or space), Pitta (heat or fire) and Kapha (earth) are the three bio-elements in the body. Each individual has a particular constitution and a balance of these three in the body. Any imbalance in them over a prolonged period of time can lead to uneasiness, weaknesses or disease.

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