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Tag: agni

Body Mind Complex
8 Life Saving Tips To Keep Infections At Bay This Winter

The change in seasons and drastic drop in temperatures becomes an ideal breeding ground for scores of respiratory diseases and viruses to thrive, making you prone to common cold, flu, and fever. According to Ayurveda, the 5000 year old system of wellness and healing, the effect of seasonal changes on health can be understood with

December, 04 2019
Lifestyle, Yoga and Meditation
7 Yoga Asanas To Increase Your Appetite

We experience loss of appetite for various reasons. A major reason, according to the science of Ayurveda, is poor digestive fire or the Jataragni which is responsible for a healthy digestive system and total assimilation of food in the body. To generally have a good appetite, one needs to balance the Agni in the body.

July, 18 2017