The pleasant or the positive thoughts do not bother us as much as the negative thoughts or the thoughts we consider ‘undesirable’. They could be repetitive anxious thoughts or thoughts of worry, doubt or negativity. So what can you do get rid of them? Start with making friends with negative thoughts “If you keep resisting
July, 17 2018This week’s wisdom post is more than just sentences and paragraphs. If you let it, it will awaken you to a deep but meaningful secret for leading a happy life. In this week’s wisdom post, we share with you a priceless commentary by global spiritual leader and humanitarian, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of
May, 28 2018There are many benefits of acknowledging our limited understanding of the nature of universe and existence. What are they? Know it from this commentary by one of the most loved and respected global spiritual leaders of our time, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of the International Association For Human Values, that evokes a sense
July, 05 2017We join Yoga classes, for various reasons- to stay fit, to learn to stay calm, to be flexible, to break the monotony of gym or as a way to heal mild chronic conditions. But the real meaning of Yoga has never been revealed to us. Here is a path-breaking revelation by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
June, 18 2017We’ve all seen the picture of a woman sitting on the peak of a mountain, draped in a flowing linen top, cross legged with her hands resting on her knees and apparently transcending time and space. And we’ve all felt a little jealous and confused – why does she look so peaceful and why can’t
September, 29 2016Shankara is a natural line that sources all of the best natural ingredients in a responsible manner. Our product has been created without the use of any potentially toxic ingredients.
Cold processing ensures that ingredients will not be destroyed by excessive heat and will be able to maintain the highest level of activity. All Shankara products are cold processed.
Our approach is original and holistic, pairing western anti-aging breakthroughs with the eastern science of Ayurveda, the ancient “Science of Life.” It is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems.
All of our products are PETA approved and cruelty-free. Ensuring zero animal testing.
In collaboration with our partners and consumers, we are committed to making the world a better place.We contribute our profits to humanitarian causes.