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Did you know that an imbalance of something called ‘Vata’ in your body could be the reason for sleep disorders, fatigue, restlessness, dry skin, cramps and many other psychological and physiological conditions?

According to Ayurveda, the human body is made up of the Pancha Mahabhutas or the Five Great elements – Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Space. Doshas are the three combinations of these elements. Vata (Air and Space), Pitta (Fire) and Kapha (Earth) are the three bio-elements in the body. Each individual has a particular constitution and a balance of these three in the body. Any imbalance in them over a prolonged period of time can lead to uneasiness, weakness or disease.

In this article, let’s see what happens when Vata goes out of balance.

According to Ayurveda, Vata influences the mobility aspect of the body. It affects movements of the body, nervous system and elimination from the body. When Vata is in balance, these functions are in order. Vagbhatta’s Ashtanga Hridyasamhita, one of Ayurveda’s most influential body of works states, ‘Tatra ruksho laghu sheetah, khara sukshmaschalo nilah’: dry, light, cool, rough, subtle, and mobile are the qualities of Vata.

How do you know your Vata is out of balance?

The best way to know the state of Dosha imbalance in the body is through an ancient Ayurvedic diagnosis technique called Nadi Pariskha or Pulse Diagnosis which can reveal the deep connection between the imbalance in the Tridoshas and their effects on your physiological and psychological health. Nadi Pariksha gives you a thorough insight into the state of your health and the root causes of diseases, pains, aches, and illnesses in the body now or the ones you are likely to have.

When Vata is aggravated, it largely reflects on certain psychological and physiological functions. It is important to note that the conditions and illnesses could also be due to a mix of Dosha imbalances.

A) Psychological Conditions

– Attention Deficit: Restlessness, impatience and difficulty in paying attention for a meaningful amount of time.
– Dementia:
Prolonged Vata imbalance can also negatively impact brain functions like memory and logical analysis.
– Insomnia:
Sleep could be disturbed and insufficient, affecting work and health, as one may feel restless yet tired from the imbalance.
– Strong emotions:
One could experience strong emotions like fear, jealousy or unreasonable sadness.
– Delirium:
Dazed, confused, restless and yet energized – one could experience a state of delirium if Vata rises too much.

B) Physiological Conditions

Watch this space for more tips and remedies to balance your Vata! Also, do check out our Ayurveda inspired skin care offerings that help balance Vata Dosha induced dry skin.

Disclaimer: The conditions and illnesses could also be due to a mix of Dosha imbalances. Please do not try to self-diagnose. This article is purely for informational purpose. We strongly recommend you consult a Sri Sri Ayurveda physician for a thorough examination of Doshas.
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