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Category: Yoga and Meditation

Lifestyle, Yoga and Meditation
Belly To No Belly- 7 Rigorous Yoga Poses For A Flat Tummy

So you have finally confronted yourself and decided that the big belly plunging outside your trousers must go. You are ready to slog it out to get the dream flat belly. A flat tummy is a dream that is now within your reach! You need no pills, no liposuction surgeries, or any other treatment that

June, 05 2017
Lifestyle, Yoga and Meditation
10 Super Simple Yoga Exercises For Tired Eyes

Today the screen, be it a laptop, computer, smart phone or a tablet, has unalterably entered our lives. On an average, an American spends almost half a day staring at the screen. Then it is not hard to imagine the tremendous repercussions this may have on the health of our eyes.  The various problems that

May, 16 2017
Lifestyle, Yoga and Meditation
Yoga Remedies for High Heels

Heal The High Heel Pangs Lower back ache, policeman’s heel, calf muscles pain- Find a way through them with Yoga… To make a lasting first impression in the dog-eat-dog world of corporate deal making, power dressing is generally non-negotiable. For women, who wear high heels for 8-10 hours a day to look the part, this

May, 10 2017
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Yoga and Meditation
The Magic Bullet For Balancing Your Body Fluids

Over all, the human body is made up of 60% water. The lungs are 83% water and the skin is 64% water.  Water and earth element in the body make up the Kapha dosha. An imbalance in the Kapha Dosha can lead to troubled digestion, edema (skin disorder) or obesity on one hand or dehydration, skin

May, 02 2017
Body Mind Complex, Yoga and Meditation
What Can Save a Therapists’ Mind?

A psychotherapist opens up about why counselors and therapists need to look deeper than science… A senior clinical psychologist and psychotherapist by profession and a meditation practitioner gives us five big reasons why people in the mental healthcare industry need to use tools like meditation, deep breathing exercises and other spiritual practices to prevent burn

April, 26 2017
Yoga and Meditation
Yoga, Discipline and a Sufficiently Long Time

Maharishi Patanjali begins his treatise on Yoga with two words: Atha Yogaanushaasanam Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, in his commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali beautifully explains the connection between Yoga and Discipline. This enlightening discourse is available to the student of Yoga as an online module on Udemy. As such we will not go into

October, 04 2016
Yoga and Meditation
Science behind Ujjayi – The Breath of Victory

Ujjayi is a sanskrit word comprising of the syllable ‘Ud‘, meaning upward movement. It can also mean puffing or expanding. It suggests a sense of power and importance. ‘Jaya’ means take-over, conquest, victory, success; and can also mean restraint or curbing from the opposite point of view. It is called the victor’s breath because the expansion

September, 30 2016
Yoga and Meditation
3 Ways Mindfulness is Different from Meditation

We’ve all seen the picture of a woman sitting on the peak of a mountain, draped in a flowing linen top, cross legged with her hands resting on her knees and apparently transcending time and space. And we’ve all felt a little jealous and confused – why does she look so peaceful and why can’t

September, 29 2016
Yoga and Meditation
Yoga and Discipline

I went to a Convent school where discipline was taken very seriously. You have to be in class on time, you keep quiet when the teacher is talking. You greet the teacher as she walks into your class. You raise your hand and speak only when you are called out. Play during the Sports class,

September, 27 2016
Yoga and Meditation
Meditation Takes Practice

Have you been hearing a lot about meditation? Do you think its just some hippie way of living, and don’t understand the benefits or why people are raving about it? I was one of those people. I heard all about meditation for a while, and just thought it was another fad.  The deeper I got

September, 23 2016
Yoga and Meditation
5 Reasons One should Practice Yoga

  Yoga is often considered to be  physical asanas done on the mat, yet in reality yoga is like an ocean. Some people come to the ocean just to take a stroll and enjoy the breeze, some want to pt their feet in, some enjoy swimming, surfing, or scuba diving  while some go with a

September, 22 2016
Yoga and Meditation
Zen and Art of Riding a Bike

Years ago, I read this quote from Albert Einstein “Life is like riding a bike. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”. It just stuck with me and I wondered how it applied to my life. Here I am today, comparing a life realization to learning how to ride a bike. “Life is like riding

September, 20 2016