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Body Mind Complex
6 Quick Ayurvedic Tips To Sleep Well

Have a hard time falling asleep? Too many thoughts before finally catching some rest? Call it the bane of modern living, sleep is the first casualty of a life lived in the fast lane, with bigger numbers to chase, goals to meet and competition to beat. And soon it becomes a vicious circle of self-harm

April, 29 2019
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
5 Rare Herbs For The Perfect Hair Luster

You may have put enough harmful chemicals in your hair to find hair growth, luster and noticeable volume and may have ended up causing more damage to your hair. We asked our Ayurveda experts about the top 5 medicinal herbs that must be part of your hair oiling routine to undo the damage and give

March, 06 2019
5 Gifts To Make Up For Missing Valentine’s Day With The Love Of Your Life

So you are late by a day. May be you were both traveling, or may be work kept you on your toes. There is nothing sweeter than buying your partner a meaningful gift a day later, to make up for your absence on the Valentine’s Day, and some gifts are well worth the wait! Here’s

February, 15 2019
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
Polar Vortex: 4 Ways To Protect Your Health And Skin From Its Impact

Do not let the polar vortex get the better of you as temperatures plunge below zero. We totally understand what your health and beauty concerns could be and we are here to help you glide through these freezing months. Your annual winter wellness guide is here! Harsh winters can cause an imbalance of melanin in

February, 05 2019
Body Mind Complex
6 Ayurvedic Answers To Your Dandruff Question

  This is winter time, when the skin is drying out like a well in Sahara and drying scalp has left you worried about your all-black wardrobe. Going by one of the oldest systems of wellness, dandruff or white skin flakes are a result of imbalanced Kapha (earth element) and Vata (air element)- Ayurvedic humors or Doshas– in Sanskrit. There are simple

January, 30 2019
Body Mind Complex
5 Things You Can Do For A Happy And Restful Period

Have you noticed a little bit of guilt lurking its ugly head when you want to take time for yourself? Perhaps you have felt a bit of pressure and/or sensed the expectations from people around you or society at large?  We have come to value productivity and performance over balance but interestingly life has a

January, 23 2019
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
10 Ways To Repair Scalp Naturally With Ayurveda

According to the ancient healing system of Ayurveda, problems of the scalp arise from an imbalance in Kapha and Vata, two of the three Ayurvedic humors or Doshas in Sanskrit. While Kapha brings the quality of softness, nourishment, fluidity and stickiness, Vata is more about qualities like roughness, dryness, air and movement. When these doshas

January, 07 2019
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
7 Ayurveda Ways To Manage Painful And Itchy Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an auto immune skin disease where the skin cells grow faster than it ordinarily should, which is about 27 days. One of Psoriasis’ biggest enemies is dryness and dry weather when it results into scaling and peeling of the skin’s outer layers of the skin. The itching could cause redness and wounds in

December, 14 2018
Body Mind Complex
9 Natural Ways To Fight Sinus Symptoms

About 35 million Americans have sinusitis attacks each year. The symptoms like a runny nose, heaviness in the head, affected olfactory organs, occasional fever and cough congestion can make it a draining health situation. A condition explained by inflammation of the sinus tissue walls-sinusitis-can occur due to common cold, allergies,dust, dryness, nasal polyps or deviated

December, 11 2018
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
5 Tips: Here’s Your Complete Guide To Post-Thanksgiving Detox

Come Thanksgiving and all the diet plans go for a toss, as you sit around the table with family and friends to gorge on all the delicious and painstakingly cooked food on the table, granted the meals far exceed your daily calorie intake. But you can break a few rules. It’s Thanksgiving after all! Here

November, 16 2018
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Lifestyle
8 Tips: Your Guide To A Healthy And Happy Liver

The natural quality of your skin reflects the health of your liver. A stressed liver will show up on your skin as itchy red acne and flare-ups on your skin. One organ that is directly affected from the kind of lifestyle we lead, our food habits and circadian rhythm is the liver which works as

September, 30 2018
Happy Winters: 8 Secrets To Beat The Skin Dryness And Lethargy

Winter is at the doorstep! It is time to prep up the skin and the body for the longer and colder nights. Winter marks a shift in the amount of daylight available to us which creates an imbalance of melanin in our body. Longer nights cause the nature to slow down, the skin dries up

September, 16 2018