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Tag: Health And Wellness

Lifestyle, Spirituality, Yoga and Meditation
2 Mind-Bending Yoga Sutras For A Sincere Spiritual Seeker

In an enlightening commentary on the Yoga Sutras or Aphorisms of Yoga, expounded by Maharishi Patanjali, the father of the classical science of Yoga as we know it today, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, globally acclaimed humanitarian, spiritual master and the Founder of The Art of Living talks about how a sincere spiritual seeker can

July, 01 2017
Ayurveda & Nutrition
11 Simple Things You Can Do To Deal With Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, essentially a lifestyle imbalance disorder, is called Amlapitta in Ayurveda.  The most common understanding about acid reflux is, it is caused by excessive formation of acids in the stomach. But interestingly according to Ayurveda, acid reflux is a result of weak Agni or digestive fire (in other words, insufficient production of stomach acids).

May, 24 2017
Ayurveda & Nutrition
Add These 3 Foods to Your Meals for Radiant Skin

Radiant skin starts from the inside out! What you eat on a daily basis can have a long-term effect on the health of your skin. Get your glow back by adding these foods and seasonings to your daily eating routine 1. Fats and Oils Believe it or not, fats are good for you, and good for your

May, 23 2017
Lifestyle, Yoga and Meditation
10 Super Simple Yoga Exercises For Tired Eyes

Today the screen, be it a laptop, computer, smart phone or a tablet, has unalterably entered our lives. On an average, an American spends almost half a day staring at the screen. Then it is not hard to imagine the tremendous repercussions this may have on the health of our eyes.  The various problems that

May, 16 2017
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Lifestyle
Fight Body Odor with Ayurveda!

Fight This Unmentionable Dis-Odor With Ayurveda It has been bothering us for a while now. You have been trying to muzzle it under, with all types of expensive deodorants, body sprays and fragrances. This may have helped some but for most others, it created more toxic problems by mixing pleasant with the unpleasant, making it

May, 12 2017
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
Are You Summer Ready?

Moon bathing, soaked raisins, milk, melon, and other tips to face the brutal heat…. Going by the estimates of The Weather Company, this year temperatures all across the U.S. are going to be much warmer as we enter the season.  With the onset of summer, as you start feeling the sun again, especially with a

May, 10 2017
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Yoga and Meditation
The Magic Bullet For Balancing Your Body Fluids

Over all, the human body is made up of 60% water. The lungs are 83% water and the skin is 64% water.  Water and earth element in the body make up the Kapha dosha. An imbalance in the Kapha Dosha can lead to troubled digestion, edema (skin disorder) or obesity on one hand or dehydration, skin

May, 02 2017
Body Mind Complex, Yoga and Meditation
What Can Save a Therapists’ Mind?

A psychotherapist opens up about why counselors and therapists need to look deeper than science… A senior clinical psychologist and psychotherapist by profession and a meditation practitioner gives us five big reasons why people in the mental healthcare industry need to use tools like meditation, deep breathing exercises and other spiritual practices to prevent burn

April, 26 2017
The Ultimate Guide to a Stay-At-Home Spa Day

Going to the spa is such a relaxing treat! The soothing music, the calming aromas, the rejuvenating treatments, the nourishing food and drink…what more could you ask for when you need a little stress-melting? It’s pampering at its finest! But what about those days when you don’t have the time or money to escape to

January, 24 2017
Yoga and Meditation
Meditation Takes Practice

Have you been hearing a lot about meditation? Do you think its just some hippie way of living, and don’t understand the benefits or why people are raving about it? I was one of those people. I heard all about meditation for a while, and just thought it was another fad.  The deeper I got

September, 23 2016