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Tag: Ayurveda

Body Mind Complex
Does Your Bath Salt Have These 5 Ingredients?

A lot of people like experimenting with essential oils in their baths as part of aromatherapy, instead of going for mineral salts made using the essential oils. But when you pour undiluted essential oils, they can get sticky because they are not water soluble and using some of them in an undiluted state without a

March, 26 2019
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
5 Vegan Ways To Get Smoother Hair

Let me guess. You are on your way to work and chance upon the smooth, lush thick locks of this woman sitting next to you on the subway and wonder how she got it done. Here you are, tired of having tried every trick in the book, every chemical-laden hair treatment to deal with frizzy

February, 22 2019
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
Polar Vortex: 4 Ways To Protect Your Health And Skin From Its Impact

Do not let the polar vortex get the better of you as temperatures plunge below zero. We totally understand what your health and beauty concerns could be and we are here to help you glide through these freezing months. Your annual winter wellness guide is here! Harsh winters can cause an imbalance of melanin in

February, 05 2019
Body Mind Complex
9 Natural Ways To Fight Sinus Symptoms

About 35 million Americans have sinusitis attacks each year. The symptoms like a runny nose, heaviness in the head, affected olfactory organs, occasional fever and cough congestion can make it a draining health situation. A condition explained by inflammation of the sinus tissue walls-sinusitis-can occur due to common cold, allergies,dust, dryness, nasal polyps or deviated

December, 11 2018
Body Mind Complex
Five Ways to Bring Back Skin’s pH Balance Naturally

Your skin cells are intelligent. They can rebuild themselves into the protective outer layer or the acid mantle from time to time. But not with the amount of environmental pollution, oil, dust and bacteria you subject it to, which does not allow for the natural repair. We share 5 simple ways to bring back the

December, 05 2018
5 Ways You Are Damaging Your Skin’s pH

What is common between the sun, facial soap, detergent and hard water? They clean and nourish? Yes. But. There’s a BUT here- an overexposure to them can have a long lasting impact on your skin. And NOT necessarily in a way you would like. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to balance the

December, 02 2018
Body Mind Complex
Cracked Heels: 6 Home Remedies For Beautiful Soft Feet

Sometimes you may find, it is harder to manage the skin around your feet and at the sole because it is naturally thicker and drier than skin on the rest of your body. It is difficult enough to scrub off the calluses, the dry or dead cells in the feet but it is even harder

November, 23 2018
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
5 Tips: Here’s Your Complete Guide To Post-Thanksgiving Detox

Come Thanksgiving and all the diet plans go for a toss, as you sit around the table with family and friends to gorge on all the delicious and painstakingly cooked food on the table, granted the meals far exceed your daily calorie intake. But you can break a few rules. It’s Thanksgiving after all! Here

November, 16 2018
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
6 Reasons You Need Abhyanga This Winter

As the winter sets in, it brings along with it winter dryness, itchy and rough skin, and stiff muscles and joints. Winter, according to Ayurveda, is the time dominated by Pitta Prakopakala that is a time when the Pitta dosha or the fire element in the nature is vitiated. When not managed properly, the imbalances can lead to digestive

November, 10 2018
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Body Mind Complex
Intense, Energetic, Have Redness of Skin: 15 Signs You Are A Pitta Person

Intensity is the word we are looking for when it comes to describing the Pitta Dosha. Pitta is the agency of transformation and controls the digestion and metabolism functions. It is one of the three Doshas or bio energies in our body that regulate all natural processes in the creation. They function as a combination of

November, 01 2018
Body Mind Complex
Air, Skin And Movement: 16 Indicators You May Be A Vata Person

Do you have a light body frame or low body weight? Vata is one of the three Doshas or bio energies in our body that regulate all natural processes in the creation. They function as a combination of the Five Great Elements of Panchamahabhuta in the nature-air, ether, earth, fire and water. Vata combines space and air, and governs bodily movement and the

October, 30 2018
Ayurveda & Nutrition, Lifestyle
5 Remedies From Your Kitchen To Save Your Lips From Drying This Winter

The biggest victims of dry winter are your lips. That is for two reasons- the skin on your lips happens to be far more sensitive than the rest and secondly, unlike your skin, your lips do not have sweat glands, which opens it up for drying and discoloration more quickly, if you do not take

October, 26 2018